Published: 2 February 2020

Important notice
The following notice is for the region owners. For the time being any and all unused regions not meeting the T.O.S ( terms of service ) will be reclaimed to assist the grid in it's growth and effectiveness to house all that are here to assist in the expansion of Party Destination Grid. The free regions for that were created for either shops or events will be given time to meet requirements for which the lands were designated and given for, however, that time ends at the end of the month of February. Should those regions not be active or filled ( not with empty buildings or lack of events) it would not fulfill the requirements. At which time the land will be released back to grid.
Part of the requirements to retain free regions are:
All lands should be completed - Built and ready for guests.
Events per month to be no less than 2 per month.
Stores must be active and must fill all buildings with items for guests.
Beacons on all lands are to be active as it is the duty of tenants to ensure they stay active.
All standard rules for grid apply as to the content that is or is not authorized for locations.
In the event you are not interested in using the free regions as per the T.O.S. then
We ask that you give others a chance to use our services.
Reminder that this is intended to make way for growth of the grid and the betterment for our valued guests. We strive for the grid to work to it's full potential, for the most enjoyment possible.
For any informations or questions you can always send email via : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Party Destination Grid Elite Team